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Exploring the Future of Surgical Care: A Conversation with CEO Nader Samii and ASCA CEO Bill Prentice

In the latest episode of ASCA’s podcast, Advancing Surgical Care, nimble solutions CEO Nader Samii sat down with ASCA CEO Bill Prentice to discuss trends, economic drivers, and advancements in surgical care.

They kicked off the conversation by talking about nimble’s recent rebrand.

Nader discussed the company’s evolution, including four recent acquisitions, and the need to pull the brands and companies under one brand. nimble solutions represents the company’s approach to problem-solving, its commitment to growth, and its comprehensive solution for ASCs, surgical clinics, surgical hospitals, and anesthesia groups. 

Moving the conversation to advancements in surgical care, top takeaways include:

Embracing technological advancements

Samii and Prentice highlighted the pivotal role technology plays in shaping the future of surgical care.

Forward-thinking surgery centers are investing in cutting-edge solutions such as robotics, SAS, VR, and AI, leveraging these technologies to differentiate themselves and push the boundaries of what is achievable in outpatient settings.

By embracing these innovations, surgical facilities can enhance patient outcomes, streamline processes, and optimize their overall performance.

Thriving in a high-growth market

During the conversation, Samii shed light on the exciting growth prospects within the surgical care industry. The specialties that have been key drivers of growth include orthopedic, spine, and cardiology.

Nader noted certain projections suggest a remarkable annual growth rate of 7% for the next five years, transforming the ASC market from a $40 billion to a $60 billion industry.

Notably, orthopedic, spine, and cardiology specialties have emerged as key drivers of this growth, presenting abundant opportunities for surgical centers to expand their services and cater to the evolving healthcare needs of patients.

Navigating economic conditions

The discussion also touched upon the resilience of the surgical care sector in economic downturns. While healthcare has demonstrated resistance to recessions, managing staff requirements and inflated costs are still among the biggest challenges.

Amid the pandemic, outpatient surgery centers proved to be a robust asset, and they continue to stand out as a feasible option for patients and payers. As the demand for outpatient surgery continues to grow, staffing issues could dampen an ASC’s ability to harness growth opportunities and handle increased patient volumes effectively.

By embracing technological innovations, capitalizing on a high-growth market, and strategically navigating economic conditions, ASCs can continue to position themselves as surgical leaders in the healthcare industry.

To hear more about the future of surgical care, listen to the full episode

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